02. The Solution
Following the identification of priority focus areas, Ikosaeder established a pre-Games Governance structure and initiated planning for Games-Time C3 with a training and awareness programme by means of a working group at Function level. A parallel programme was set up at the executive level to focus on crisis management.
A Readiness Strategy was developed, focusing on key gaps and risks, and refined as deeper insights emerged. The readiness programme included On Location-specific exercises and integration with Delivery Partner exercises, leveraging Games-Wide simulations run by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and Paris 2024 to bolt-on hospitality-specific scenarios, allowing these to be viewed in the wider context of the Games. This approach provided valuable learning experiences across all levels of On Location.
Ikosaeder led the development of tools, templates, and documentation for both functional and Games-Wide needs, including contingency plans and resource planning. In the context of a multi-sport games, the requirement for managing competition schedule changes and impact on client itineraries became clear. Ikosaeder supported internal teams to develop a process for managing a DIPAC (Delay, Interruption, Postponement, Advancement or Cancellation) and its knock-on effects. Relevant teams were trained on the process, and this was tested during readiness exercises. The process was finessed and then implemented successfully during the Games – especially considering the high number of potential and actual competition schedule changes which occurred during the Paris 2024 Games. The established process provided a legacy framework for On Location’s future projects.
For the Hospitality Operations Centre (HOC), Ikosaeder designed the space, layout, technology set-up, configured the Incident Management System, and information-sharing tools. The HOC included representation from Paris 2024 and occasionally the IOC, with its main mission to facilitate real-time issue resolution. The HDO team transitioned to manage the HOC during Games-Time, overseeing operations, daily briefings, end of day reporting, issue resolution including the management of Issue Resolution Groups (IRGs) and Crisis Management Teams (CMTs).
A lasting legacy for On Location includes an adaptable C3 framework, readiness strategy, templates, registers for risks, policies, procedures, and plans, and comprehensive operational documentation for future Games editions and projects.